Welcome to the Spring 2024 Newsletter.

We hope that you enjoy reading it and find the information to be useful.  The full Newsletter is available free of charge to Society members in a variety of formats so why not sign up to become a member of the Society and experience the full benefit.

News from the Chief Executive

Welcome to the Spring and Summer  2024 Newsletters.

Firstly, I want to apologise for having to combine two issues of the newsletter into one. There has been so much going on within the Society and time has been at a premium. Hopefully, we are now back on track and can return to quarterly newsletters in the autumn.

At the beginning of the year our Community Sight Support Officer, Fiona Ferguson, left our employment to take up a new post with Darlington Borough Council. As Fiona and her husband live in Darlington this opportunity was too good to miss. I am sure everyone who benefitted from Fiona’s work throughout County Durham over recent years will join us in wishing her well in her new role.

Fiona’s departure resulted in the recruitment of a new Community Sight Support Officer and we have been extremely fortunate in appointing Joanne Peverley. Joanne has already started to make an excellent impression with clients and has settled in perfectly. She makes an excellent addition to our team.

Julie Anderson and Dale Burns-Maddison are progressing very well with their Rehabilitation apprenticeships. Julie will complete her two year training course shortly and become a fully qualified Rehabilitation Worker. Dale is coming towards the end of his first year of training.

Meanwhile, Sunderland City Council have asked the Society to take on some of the Hearing loss rehabilitation work due to one of their staff being on long term sickness. We are fortunate to have Ken Slowther who has been able to provide the service.

Mike Crozier is a member of the Society and works for Sunderland City Council. He has very kindly offered to raise funds for the Society by taking part in the Great North Run in September. He is currently training hard and is determined to succeed. Due to Mike’s sight loss he will not have as much opportunity to seek sponsorship for his efforts as he would like to raise funds for the Society. If anyone would like to sponsor Mike, please contact the office for information on how to do so.

IT and Assistive Technology

Our free Assistive Technology/Vision project offers practical support and advice and guidance to visually impaired people of any age living in Sunderland and County Durham on ICT and digital issues relating to their visual impairment.

Since starting the service in October 2022, it has proved to be very popular and we have dealt with over 446 clients through home visits or group sessions. We cover Laptops, PC’s, Android phones and tablets as well as iPhones and iPads as well as covering all aspects of assistive technology devices to help maintain your hobbies and independence.

You can access donated equipment to try out to see what suits you best including Clear View readers and offer advice and guidance on what would be best for you and your condition.

The service is available 4 days a week Monday to Thursday so you can choose a day and time that’s convenient for you to receive dedicated one to one advice and information in the comfort of your own home if you can’t make it to one of our venues in Pallion or Langley Moor.
If you would like to take advantage of this free National Lottery funded service please either email our Assistive Technology Officer john.walls@sundrsb.org.uk or call us on 0191 567 3939 and we will be glad to help.

COFFEE MORNING – SUNDERLAND – Second Wednesday of the month. Starts 10am till noon 

Wednesday 14th June


MEN’S GROUP – Second Monday of the month. Starts 1.30pm – 2.30pm.

We have a fantastic line up of speakers for the year ahead.

Monday 12th June – Making a difference NE



DIABETES GROUP – 4th Monday of the month. Starts 1.30pm – 2.30pm

Monday 24th April

Monday 22nd May

Monday 26th June


MACULAR MEETING – Fourth Wednesday of the month. Starts 1.30pm – 2.30pm.

Wednesday 28th June – TBC



Drop in for information or just a chat

Various support groups
Resource Centre
Loan of magnifying equipment
Braille mentoring
IT and Technology Support
Access to work/Job Club
British Wireless for the Blind Audio Equipment
Warm Spaces Venue

 If you require any further information on any of the above services please call Julie Stormont on 0191 5673939 and I will be happy to help.

Our office opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.30am – 3pm and you are more than welcome to call into the office at Pallion for a cuppa and a chat.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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