Counselling Service

Counselling Service

I’m sure you will agree, 2020 has proved to be the most exceptionally challenging year.  Restrictions placed upon social interaction, communication and general participation with others, has been halted in its tracks.  Living with a sight loss condition places these restrictions upon individuals in an ordinary world.  The challenges are now greatly magnified.
Outside Covid19 and of lockdown, many visually impaired people rely upon others to help with basic needs.  Many feel quite isolated and lonely.  Many experience a sense of feeling overwhelmed, levels of low mood, anxiety and even depression.
Whether newly diagnosed or living with an existing sight condition, the counselling service is here for you.  If you feel you recognise any of the afore mentioned sensations, or have other issues regarding the impact of your sight condition, you may wish to consider contacting the society to access the counselling service.
The counselling service has continued operating throughout the pandemic and aims to continue to offer confidential, non-judgemental, person centred care to all members.
If you feel you may benefit from using the service or would like more information, please, contact the society.  All contact details are listed below.
Referral is easy.  You can self-refer, a family member or friend can make it on your behalf, with your permission or anyone supporting you from outside organisations.
This service is free to members.  Terms and conditions apply.  The support is delivered by telephone only as face to face is suspended to adhere to social distance measures and maintain safety for all.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article.  Stay safe and keep well.

Jackie Kent MBACP
Registered member of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Office number: 0191 5673939
Mobile number: 07766839901


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