News from the Chief Executive

The exciting news is that we have reached our target of £14,900 to pay for a training kitchen to be installed here at Pallion for use by our Rehab Workers to teach kitchen skills. It will also be used for healthy cooking demonstrations, etc.
This was the first time we have used “Crowdfunding” which is a way of attracting project funding via the internet.
The pledges include £9,000 from Sunderland City Council and £5,000 from the Integrated Care Partnership. The remainder is from individual supporters.

Thank you to all those who made a pledge and please continue to donate to the Society so that we can continue to serve the residents of Sunderland and County Durham.
Following on from the article in the winter newsletter, I am delighted to be able to confirm that we held a very special Coronation Party on Thursday 4th May 2023 to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. The event included music, a quiz, lots of bunting and balloons, a special Coronation cake and a buffet tea. Everyone had a great time and we would like to thank everyone for attending and especially our volunteers who helped out on the day.

We will be holding a Sensory Exhibition here at 53, St Luke’s Terrace, Pallion, Sunderland on Wednesday 4th October between 10am and 2:30pm.

The Exhibition will be open to anyone interested in learning more about specialist equipment and assistive technology. We expect around 15 companies to attend which will give everyone a chance to see and experience equipment without the need to purchase it before ensuring it is right for them. Admission will be free. John Walls, our IT Officer, will also be on hand to offer advice and support.

Work will soon commence on a new exhibition area within our building here at Pallion. We will be able to exhibit members artwork and photography together with craft work. We received funding from the Screwfix Foundation and both Pallion and Millfield Community Chests. We will have an official opening as soon as the work is completed.

Please remember that the Society is still here to support you. If you require any help or advice do please leave a message on the answer machine and we will contact you. Telephone 0191 5673939

Richard Wood

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